How To Use Instagram Polls For Your Business

Instagram polls are one of the more popular Instagram feature. It allows you to post quizzes and questionnaires. Many of you might be using it as a tool to get feedback from your customers through sliding bars or polling.

As of today, there are two main forms of Instagram Poll can choose from.

  • The classic, traditional form of a poll where you ask a question and offer a selection of two answers.
  • An emoji slider bar where someone can choose where on the scale they love or hate something.

However, there are ton of ways you can use this poll feature creatively.

How to Create Instagram Polls

Step 1: Open up the ‘gram and click on the circle that has your photo on the top left of your app.

Step 2: Once the camera is activated, you’re ready to make an Instagram Story poll! Click the sticky-note square with a smiley face to activate the sticker option and choose the “poll” feature.

Step 3: Customize your question and answers. Get creative and make it fun to participate!

Step 4: Share your Story and wait patiently for your audience’s answers to come rolling in.

Step 5: Let your audience know you’re listening. Be sure to share the results of the polls before the 24 hours are up!

How To Use Instagram Polls Creatively For Your Business

There are many ways to use Instagram polls. We are going to discuss few of them, but remember you can get really creative and very specific, how you use these poll ideas. Try to keep things specific to your business, matching your branding and company’s personality.

Here’s how you can use Instagram Story polls to strengthen your business – by making market research fun:

1. Crowdsource New Ideas For Future Content

Take simple polls like what your audience is interested in and how much knowledge they have about it. If the numbers are showing that your audience is interested in some topic and want to know more, then this would be your next blog topic idea.

Don’t waste your time creating content your audience won’t care to read about.

This way they would feel more inclined and engage with the content they know they played a part in it coming to life.

2. Get Feedback On Your Future Products

So, you’ve got your business, and it’s going well. You’ve got some products out there, some services on offer, and you’re thinking to yourself, ‘This is all great, but what’s next?’. This is a problem all businesses face at some point, and the real challenge comes from trying to think up new ideas that are going to make your existing customers happy and attracts new ones.

Well, if you have some ideas, but you’re not sure what people are going to think about them, why not just ask them to use an Instagram poll? 

Include your Instagram followers in the decision making process of your current product idea.

Ask specific questions regarding your future product, gauge their interest in the potential service. Activating Instagram Story polls before a launch is the best way to conduct market research before going all-in on a project.

2. Drive Traffic To Your Website

Getting lots of attention on Instagram is awesome. But it is of no use if you have millions of followers and nobody is buying anything. Use Instagram Polls to drive people to your website, thus opening the floodgates for more opportunities to make sales, guide people into your sales funnel, get more data on people, and increase your SEO.

If you can tempt your audience by convincing them that you have the answers to their questions elsewhere, you’ll have them swiping in no time.

3. Learn More About Your Community

Ask your followers their opinions and preferences.

Confused when to host an Instagram live? Ask them. You can keep an Instagram poll asking whether they are night owls or early birds. And boom! Now you have an idea of when your audience is online.

Instagram polls give you an excellent way to learn more about your followers, and what they like, dislike, or want from your account.

Asking your audience these questions through Instagram Story polls provides you with quick feedback and can reveal trends about your followers that Instagram analytics can’t even show you.

5. Keep Your Brand Top of Mind

It’s not easy to grab customer attention these days. Instagram polls are an excellent way to introduce people to the personality and tone of your company. This drives deeper connections and relationships that make your community feel more connected.

Combined with Stories that keep your followers up-to-date on product updates and brand announcements, they’re excellent for strengthening the connections you have with your community.

6. Create Interactive Experience

When people come to your Instagram page, they’re looking for valuable content. It’s the same as when they visit you on a blog or another social channel.

It’s a little bit of fun where people can get educated on a topic or can be entertained by a quiz of sorts, and it makes it even more fun when you can see what percentage of people answered what answer. The quiz is just for fun, but it is also educational.

The more worthwhile content you share, the more people will keep coming back to interact with you.

It’s up to you whether your posts are educational, sophisticated, informative, or playful. The key to success is maintaining the same brand aesthetic throughout every customer touchpoint.

7. Promote Your Marketing Campaign

Your main Instagram feed isn’t the only place to promote your marketing efforts. Your stories are the perfect place to continue to promote your current campaigns. Use Instagram polls to get customers to interact with information from your campaign.

Asking your followers to participate in a poll directly engages them with your Instagram campaign. If the polls pique their interest enough, they’ll also serve to drive traffic to your website as your followers hope to learn more about your brand or current campaigns. 


Just like anything else, Instagram campaign also need creativity and planning to work. Make sure your Insta polls are not only for boosting your metrics, but also it should also reflect your brand’s unique personality.

Don’t forget to track your analytics, monitor how well your posts are performing and observe how much it benefits your business.

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