Tag social media marketing

How To Use Instagram Polls For Your Business

Total0 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Flipboard InstapaperInstagram polls are one of the more popular Instagram feature. It allows you to post quizzes and questionnaires. Many of you might be using it as a tool to get feedback from your customers through…

Why Public Relations Is Important?

Total0 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Flipboard InstapaperWhat exactly public relations is about? Most of the people have just a vague idea about public relations. Very less people can explain what people in PR do and its true impact on business. What…

Internet Marketing Strategies

Total0 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Flipboard InstapaperInternet marketing or online marketing or web marketing, is a revolutionary process for all types business operations. It is the cheapest way to reach maximum audience. Internet has provided the access to many platforms to…

Social Video Branding

Total0 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Flipboard InstapaperTo keep a robust presence of your brand on social media can be challenging in today’s world of busy and impatient viewers. Nobody has time to watch all the content posted. everyone looks for short…